Community Center Raffle Drawing
The Needmore Community Center sponsors a raffle drawing to raise funds for the scout house upkeep and insurance. The raffle drawing will be at Gordon’s Cruise-In Aug. 14 at 6PM.

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The Needmore Community Center sponsors a raffle drawing to raise funds for the scout house upkeep and insurance. The raffle drawing will be at Gordon’s Cruise-In Aug. 14 at 6PM.
The Fulton County Fair has asked us to take care of the trash and bathrooms Aug. 1-7. Scouts and families are asked to help with at least two shifts during the week. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.
Regular Friday night meetings begin again with school. Meetings are at 6:30 at the scout house. There will also be a committee meeting Aug. 27 for fall planning. During the year, we follow the no school no scouts policy.