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UPDATE: We will reschedule this for after the new year.

We will meet at the scout house at 3:00 on Saturday, Nov. 4. Boys who do not have a signed waiver will need to complete one online before going.

Sky zone logo

Skyzone logo


Festival Activities

Be sure to wear your B uniform to help collect trash at the fairgrounds. You should not need a wristband if you have your shirt.

Our troop will be marching in the parade Saturday morning. Meet at the old hospital in either uniform and with a bag of candy. If you have fall decorations for the float, please bring them.

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Summer Camp 2018

It’s time to register for next year’s summer camp. The boys have discussed possibilities at past meetings but they have not decided yet. Their homework is to research some camps (within a 6-hour driving distance) and share their favorites with the troop.

Click on this link to open a page that has some options to get them started in their research. There are plenty of other camps in the area. The camps on the list camp from Scouting Magazine’s Cool Camps list and from suggestions leaders made at recent meetings.

Hiking Badge

Dave Scamardella has agreed to be the merit badge counselor for the Hiking badge. For this badge, boys will plan and then go on six hikes. They must be done in this order: 5 miles, three 10 miles, 15 miles, and 20 miles. A group will be completing a 5-mile hike this month. Contact Dave for details. The first 10-mile hike will be November 19.

Dave’s work email is

Popcorn Dates

Boys can take orders for popcorn through Friday, Oct. 27. Please turn the orders in to Mr. Fuller either the day we leave for Camp Potomac or before. Delivery will be in November.

Welcome to our New Site!

Welcome to Troop 45! This Boy Scout troop serves the Needmore, PA, area. If you have suggestions of what to include on this site, please let us know.

© 2024 Troop 45 | Needmore, PA - Boy Scouts of America | WordPress Admin
© 2024 Troop 45 | Needmore, PA - Boy Scouts of America
WordPress Admin